Save this carefully and click “Finish” button. Step 6: Now, a password will get generated which would be used when you want to add people to your homegroup. PC to Windows 10 running 1809, 1903 or later version, youll see: HomeGroup wont. Step 5: By default the “Documents” option is “Not shared”, if you wish to share the documents via homegroup, then it can be done by selecting the “shared” option from the drop down list. I can access the HTPC shared folders from the Windows 10 computers. So in order to create it, just Click on “Create a homegroup” button. Step 4: You’ll see a message as “There is currently no homegroup on the network” which ensures that you’ve not created any HomeGroup yet. Step 2: Now, Select “Network and Internet”. Step 1: Go to the “Start Menu” and click on “Control Panel”. Steps to Create a HomeGroup in Windows 10 On Windows 10, HomeGroup was a feature to simplify the process of sharing resources across a small network with other users.However, since the feature has been removed, you now have to use. By the help of this, you can instantly share whatever you want, with the system connected to your HomeGroup. But before that, understand the concept of HomeGroup.Ī HomeGroup is one of the feature of Microsoft Windows by which you can share any documents, videos, music, printers, etc. Do you want to know how to create a Homegroup in Windows 10? Not to worry, just have a glance at this article.